The Unofficial Guide to ...

Building Command-Line Utilities in Python

“Arguably, Python is the best language for making UNIX® command line tools, period, due to its batteries-included philosophy, and its emphasis on readable code. Just a warning, though; these are dangerous ideas when you find out how easy it is to create a command line tool in Python, you might be spoiled for life.” [Gift08]
def hello():
    print('You might be spoiled for life!')


A function becomes a command line tool by decorating it with @command. At its simplest, just decorating a function with this decorator will make it into a callable script. [Rona17]

Choose Your Preferred Learning Style

  1. Just show me the code!
  2. I want to design better command-line utilities.
  3. I want to watch Click eat its own dog food.
  4. I’m coming from the world of argparse.
  5. I’m coming from the world of docopts.
  6. I just want a cheatsheet & reference material.